Wednesday, December 29, 2010

傻子最喜欢的十部电影之三 - 何谓英雄?何谓狗熊?《The Dark Knight》(黑暗骑士)

Director:Christopher Nolan
Starring:Christian Bale, Michael Caine, Heath Ledger, Gary Oldman, Aaron Eckhart, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Morgan Freeman


在写这篇之前,我想说:“我讨厌看英雄片。”什么Superman、Spiderman、Iron Man的,算了吧!但为什么我会喜欢这部戏...... 因为这不是“英雄片”,这是“反英雄片”。这部戏里的英雄没有受到英雄式的对待,民众只希望Batman去死。这部戏没有英雄式结尾,没有真正的打败坏人,也没有壮烈牺牲之类的。这不是英雄片。

另外不得不说的是,Christopher Nolan是个疯子。他选角很特别,他总是让平时演好人的改去演坏人;平时演坏人的改去演好人。《Insomnia》(失眠症),讲述一个警察抓贼的故事。他让《The Godfather: Part II》(教父2)里的大坏蛋,Al Pacino演警察,再找著名喜剧演员Robin Williams去演反派(好像是几十年来的第一次)。《The Prestige》(致命魔术),他找了“Batman” Christian Bale,和“Wolverine” Hugh Jackman,两个人们心中的“英雄”演反派,在戏里斗智斗勇斗贱、耍心机。到了蝙蝠侠系列,至今为止,他改造了三个人。第一个是演Batman的Christian Bale。Christian Bale在演Batman之前,最著名的代表作是《American Psycho》(美国精神病人)里的变态杀人狂。第二个是有“反派之王”美誉的Gary Oldman。Gary Oldman在这部戏里竟然乖乖的演起了正义的警探。



Tatooed PrisonerYou don't want to die, but you don't know how to take a life. Give it to me; these men would kill you, and take it anyway. Give it to me. You can tell 'em I took it by force. Give it to me, and I'll do what you shoulda did ten minutes ago.
[Scared, the warden hands over the detonator. The prisoner looks at it, then throws it out the window]


Bruce WayneBatman has no limits.
Alfred Pennyworth:Well, you do, sir.


Joker:You wanna know how I got these scars? My father, was a drinker, and a fiend. And one night, he goes off crazier than usual. Mommy gets the kitchen knife to defend herself. He doesn't like that. Not. One. Bit. So, me watching, he takes the knife to her, laughing while he does it. He turns to me and says, "why so serious?" He comes at me with the knife. "WHY SO SERIOUS?" Sticks the blade in my mouth. "Let's put a smile on that face." And... Why so serious?

Joker:Well, you look nervous. Is it the scars? You want to know how I got 'em? Come here. Hey! Look at me. So I had a wife, beautiful, like you, who tells me I worry too much. Who tells me I ought to smile more. Who gambles and gets in deep with the sharks... Look at me! One day, they carve her face. And we have no money for surgeries. She can't take it. I just want to see her smile again, hm? I just want her to know that I don't care about the scars. So... I stick a razor in my mouth and do this... myself. And you know what? She can't stand the sight of me! She leaves. Now I see the funny side. Now I'm always smiling!



上面说过,Christopher Nolan改造了三个人。他,就是第三个。Heath Ledger在演Joker之前,最出名的就是《Brokeback Mountain》(断背山)里的男主角。他演的大多数片子,都是文艺片,所以在这部戏开拍前,很多人都不看好他。大部分人都说:“相信Heath Ledger会很努力的研究这角色,但也会成为这部电影的败笔。”电影上映后,人们改口说:“没有人演的Joker可以超越Heath Ledger。”


他才29岁...... 如果他不死,绝对会是好莱坞的传奇,可是......

向永远的Heath Ledger致敬......

推荐指数:Four and half stars
一直以为每个人都不会对这部戏感到反感,但我妈看这部戏看到睡觉。可是...... 还是很推荐各位看这影片。


看《The Dark Knight》的后遗症:

最后我想说...... 你知道我脸上的疤痕是怎样来的吗?

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